Exploring the World of Graffiti -  8 Types of Graffiti You Should Know About

Exploring the World of Graffiti - 8 Types of Graffiti You Should Know About

8 Types of Graffiti You Should Know About


Graffiti is an art form that has been around for decades, and it comes in many different forms. From simple tags to elaborate murals, graffiti artists use a variety of techniques and styles to create their work. In this article, we'll explore eight different types of graffiti and what makes each one unique.

  1. Tags

Tags are the most basic form of graffiti and are typically just the artist's name or a short phrase written in spray paint. Tags are often quick and simple, and can be found on walls, buildings, and other surfaces throughout cities.

  1. Throw-ups

Throw-ups are similar to tags but are more elaborate and typically use a few different colors. They are usually larger than tags and are often done quickly, making them a common sight on train cars and other public transportation.

  1. Stencils

Stencils involve using a pre-made stencil to create a design. The artist will often cut out a design on a piece of cardboard or plastic and then use spray paint to create the image. Stencils can range from simple designs to more intricate patterns.

  1. Wildstyle

Wildstyle is a complex style of graffiti that often involves interlocking letters and intricate designs. It can be difficult to read and is often used as a way for graffiti artists to showcase their skills and creativity.

  1. Bubble Letters

Bubble letters are a popular style of graffiti that involves using thick, rounded letters that are often filled with color. They are often used for tags or larger pieces and are a popular choice for beginners.

  1. Murals

Murals are large-scale pieces of graffiti that are usually created with permission from the property owner. They can be incredibly detailed and may tell a story or convey a message. Murals are often found in public spaces, such as parks or on the sides of buildings.

  1. 3D Graffiti

3D graffiti involves creating an illusion of depth in the artwork, giving it a three-dimensional appearance. This style can be incredibly intricate and is often used to create a sense of movement in the piece.

  1. Wheatpasting

Wheatpasting involves printing out a design on paper and then using a wheatpaste solution to adhere the paper to a surface, such as a wall or building. Wheatpaste can be easily removed and is often used for temporary installations or street art exhibitions.


Graffiti is a diverse and vibrant art form that comes in many different styles and techniques. From simple tags to elaborate murals, graffiti artists continue to push the boundaries of what is possible with spray paint and other materials. By understanding the different types of graffiti, we can gain a greater appreciation for this unique form of self-expression and the artists who create it.

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